At Viva Loca, we believe in chasing dreams passionately, no matter how crazy they Follow what is in your heart with courage, determination and perseverance.
Live life … your way.
Feel The Passion
Follow Your Dreams
Live Crazy … Viva Loca
At VIVA LOCA, we aim to give you a fun crazy life experience dining in with us. We focus on responsible sourcing and sustainability with our suppliers with strong emphasis for locally sourced ingredients. Presenting a range of specially crafted small plates that are TAPAS inspired with our local flair. We focus on fresh ingredients and marry them with locally sourced exotic flavours to give you the VIVA LOCA experience. Don’t miss out on our main dishes, pizza, pasta as well that we strive to produce delicious and comforting flavours. We also provide both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages like wide range of Beers, Liquors, Cocktails, Mocktails, Tea, Coffee, Soft Drinks, Juices, etc. The outlet has both indoor and alfresco seating.

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Some moments
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